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Has Anyone Done a 5.0 Engine Swap on a Ford Ranger?
Thinking about dropping a 5.0 into my Ranger. Anyone got experience with this kind of swap? I wanna hear the good, the bad, the ugly.
Yep, done it! It's a tight fit but totally doable. You'll need custom mounts and probably have to upgrade the cooling system. Worth it for the power boost!
Make sure you check local emissions and inspection laws. Some places frown on engine swaps. Otherwise, it's a project with epic potential!
It's a blast seeing the faces on people when a Ranger with a 5.0 roars by. Did mine last year—some tweaks needed, but it's like a whole new beast!
Just adding to the above—don't skimp on the tranny. A beefier transmission that can handle the extra power is crucial. Also, think about beefin' up the brakes to manage that power safely.
Loooove my 5.0 Ranger. Just remember it's going to weigh more upfront, so suspension work might be on your list too. It's not just an engine swap—it's a whole truck overhaul!
Been there, done that three times over! It's my favorite type of project. Here's a tip: get everything you need upfront, especially the small stuff like wiring harnesses and sensor connections. Prep makes perfect.
Adding to the chorus: also think about your power steering and AC – if you want those. Sometimes they're sacrificed in swaps for simplicity or due to space. Decide what comforts you can live without.
Here's my $0.02: Do a detailed cost vs. benefit analysis. The swap isn't cheap and you could end up with a lot on your plate. It’s serious but so rewarding when done right!
This convo is gold for anyone considerin' a major project. Those considering, take notes! And maybe start a blog, it’ll help others and you can document the journey.
Amen to all the above. And remember—patience is your best friend in a swap like this. Rush nothing, double-check everything!
Wow, thanks for all the insights folks! Looks like I've got a lot to consider but it sounds like an adventure I'm ready for. Off to the garage I go!

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