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What causes the at oil temp warning light in a Ford Fusion?
So, yesterday while driving my Fusion, the at oil temp warning light popped up on the dash, and now I’m kind of worried. It happened out of nowhere, right after I had been stuck in traffic for about 30 minutes, crawling at a snail’s pace. At first, I thought it was a glitch because my car was running fine, but the light stayed on for the rest of the drive. No weird noises or jerking, but it’s definitely unsettling seeing that warning.

I know the at oil temp warning usually means the transmission oil is overheating, which doesn’t sound good at all. Could this be caused by sitting in traffic for too long, or is it something more serious? Should I pull over and let it cool down if it happens again? I’ve got an oil change scheduled for next month, but I’m wondering if this needs to be addressed sooner. I’ve read that ignoring transmission issues can lead to bigger problems down the road, and I definitely don’t want a costly repair bill!

Has anyone else had this warning light come on? What ended up being the problem, and how did you fix it? I’m hoping it’s just a quick fluid top-off or something simple like that. Any advice or insights would be really helpful!

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