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How much weight can you safely put in the trunk of a Ford Escape?
Hey everyone, I’ve got a 2020 Ford Escape SE, and I’m trying to figure out how much weight I can safely load into the trunk. I’m planning a massive Costco run (you know how it is, you go in for a few things, and come out with a mountain of stuff! 🛒😂), but I don’t want to overdo it and mess up my suspension.

I’ve heard the max cargo weight is around 500 pounds, but I’m wondering if that’s a hard limit or if people have managed to push it a bit further? The owner’s manual is pretty vague about it, and I’ve seen some folks load it up way past that. I’m also planning to throw a few heavier items in there – think cases of water, dog food, and who knows what else – so I’m a little paranoid about the suspension or rear shocks taking a hit.

Has anyone with a 2020 Escape SE or similar trim pushed their trunk capacity to the limit? Does the car handle it well, or do you feel the suspension sag a bit? Let me know your experience, especially if you’ve done big hauls like this before! Would love to know if it’s better to split the load or if the Escape can handle Costco chaos in one trip!

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