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Why does my Ford Fusion jerk when braking?
So, my Fusion has been doing this weird thing lately—every time I brake, it jerks forward pretty hard, almost like it’s trying to perform some kind of dance move. It’s not a smooth stop at all; instead, it feels like the car suddenly lurches forward right before coming to a complete stop. The strange thing is that I replaced the brake pads not too long ago, so I’m confused as to why this is happening.

At first, I thought maybe the new pads just needed time to break in, but it’s been a few weeks now and the problem hasn’t gone away. Could it be the rotors? I haven’t checked them yet, but I’m wondering if they’re warped or uneven. I've also read that issues with the brake calipers or even the brake fluid could cause jerking, but I'm not sure how to diagnose that myself.

Has anyone else experienced this in their Fusion? What ended up being the cause? I don’t want to throw money at parts that aren’t the problem, so I’m hoping for some insight before I take it to the mechanic. Appreciate any advice or recommendations! Should I be worried about driving like this, or is it safe to wait a little longer?

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